Health Care Liability Insurance

We are happy to be an affiliate of “Alternative Balance” a long-standing company that offers comprehensive Health Care Liability Insurance to health care professionals. As a Certified Specialist in Legal Nurse Consulting, who has been in practice for over 25 years and who teaches a certification program in legal nurse consulting; I am frequently asked by health care professionals if having their own liability policy is a good idea. I always respond “YES!” We live in a age where no one is safe from liability in professional practice. Unfortunately people will file “frivilous” law suits against us just because they can and are able to find some lawyers who will support their unjustified claims just to seek a quick settlement. Defending yourself can be very costly! If you are named in a legitimate case, it is very costly and you want to ensure you have a good liability policy in place. You have worked very hard to establish your career and clinical practice, why risk so much to claims of negligence when you can protect yourself with an affordable policy today?

Dominick L. Flarey, Ph.D, RN-BC, ANP-BC, LNC-CSp.
President & Chief Consultant, BioEnergy Health Consultants, LLC
Certified Specialist in Legal Nurse Consulting

a woman, life coach standing at a large white board with diagrams on the board and she is explaining and teaching to an audienceAlternative Balance is an excellent company that offers comprehensive coverage, particularly for professionals practicing in areas of Coaching, Alternative and Holistic Care, and much more. Here are just some of the practice specialties that Alternative Balance provides liability coverage for:

  • Business Insurance for your practice *
  • Employer Insurance *
  • Health Coaching
  • Life Coaching
  • Holistic Health Care
  • EFT Practice/Energy Work
  • Neurofeedback
  • Biofeedback
  • Business Coaching
  • Hypnotherapy/NLP
  • Mindfullness Coaching
  • Relationship Coaching
  • Nutrition Therapy
  • Sports/Fitness Training
  • Wellness Coaching
  • Acupuncture
  • and many more!

photo of a court room from the judge's bench showing a gavel, microphone and the jury seats in the distanceWhy wait? Access Alternative Balance through our Affiliate link today and learn all about their coverage options. They offers very affordable and highly competitive rates.  Their application process is relatively easy and you can be covered with liability insurance today!

            Link to Alternative Balance


Full Scripts Discount Supplements Account: We are pleased to offer our Clients and Site Visitors a Free Account to our Full Scripts Dispensary Account! We are affiliated with Full Scripts, one of the largest Dispensaries in the Nation for Health Care Professional Providers. We are able to offer you a Free Account through our Dispensary where you will receive a 15% permanent discount on the highest quality of Supplements! Creating your free account is simple. To review full information and create your account: access here

Other Information

Earthing for Optimal Health: access link

BioEnergy Body Scan: access link

EFT/Meridian Tapping Online Seminar: access link